Friday, May 31, 2013

Writing book on Shaharwali society and culture

I am in process of writing a book about  Shaharwali society and culture that also include religious and historic descriptions. Few chapters of the book is already written. It is after five years of blogging about the society.

This book, I believe, will help spreading information about rich traditions of Shaharwali society of Azimganj and Jiaganj in Murshidabad. I have found several historical books that depicts rich traditions, culture and religiousness of Murshidabad Jain society.

Dr. Shivprasad, renowned Jain historian working in Jain research and study center at Jaipur is helping me in collecting historical references. I am thankful to him. Suraj Nowlakha has motivated me to write this book and he is also sponsoring the project. He wants to release the book on the occasion of Mandalji ki pooja at Azimganj.

I have already posted details of the project in this blog in Hindi language. Please view these posts and help me with information, data, references, evidences, images etc. Your cooperation will enrich the book and I will feel obliged. I have received some from Pradip Kothari, Patna and am thankful to him. Suraj also provided some information along with his father Vimal Bhaisab. Thanks to them.

मुर्शिदाबाद शहरवाली समाज की ऐतिहासिक सामग्री

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

शहरवाली समाज के सम्वन्ध में पुस्तक के प्रस्तावित अध्याय

आप सभी जानते हैं की मुर्शिदाबाद के शहरवाली समाज के सम्वन्ध में मैं एक पुस्तक लिख रहा हूँ। इस समय मैं इस पुस्तक में लिखे जाने वाले विभिन्न अध्यायों के वारे में विचार कर रहा हूँ। यह किताब सभी के लिए उपयोगी हो सके इसलिए मैंने इसमें निम्नलिखित अध्यायों की परिकल्पना की है। इस कार्य में जैन शोध एवं अध्ययन संस्थान, जयपुर के डा शिवप्रसाद जी का मुझे पूरा सहयोग मिल रहा है.

१ बंगाल में जैन धर्म
२ मुर्शिदाबाद का ऐतिहासिक विवरण
३ शहरवाली समाज एवं संस्कृति
४ प्रसिद्द परिवार एवं व्यक्ति
५ रीति रिवाज़ एवं धार्मिक मान्यताएं
६ मंदिर, दादाबाड़ी एवं अन्य धार्मिक स्थल
७ स्कूल, कोलेज, अस्पताल एवं अन्य सार्वजनिक स्थल
८ शहरवाली समाज का वैभव
९ समग्र जैन समाज को शहरवाली समाज का योगदान
१० नवपद ओली एवं मंडलजी की पूजा
११ शहरवाली समाज का वर्त्तमान व भविष्य

पुस्तक तैयार होने तक इसमें अनेक परिवर्तन संभावित है।  आप के सुझाव इस लेखन को और भी अच्छा बना सकते है। आप सभी के सुझाव एवं सामग्री की मैं व्यग्रता से प्रतीक्षा कर रहा हूँ।

मुर्शिदाबाद शहरवाली समाज की ऐतिहासिक सामग्री

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
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Marital relations of Panachand Nanakchand Kothari family

Pana Chand Nanak Chand Kothari family is one of the renowned families in Azimganj, Murshidabad. It was not very rich according to Shaharwali status. However, the family carried reputation because of their religious and social standings.

The widow of late Pana Chand Kothari came from Rini (Tara Nagar) along with his son Nanak Chand. He was only five at that time. Golechha family was the richest Shaharwali family at that time.  Nanak Chand Kothari was married to a girl born in Harakchand Golechha family. They built Chhote Shantinathji temple and installed complete Chouveesi made of gemstones. This was the only Chouveesi that was made of precious and semi-precious gemstones among entire Shwetambar sect. The Golechha family also took charge of Sammet Shikhar from Jagat Seth family.

Kamalapat Kothari, son of Nanak Chand was married to a girl from famous Dhanpat Singh Dugar family. He was married to his granddaughter. The renowned Dugar family was the most famous, rich and religious family of that time.

Chandra Pat Kothari, eldest son of Kamalapat Kothari was married to adopted daughter of Motichand Nakhat. Mr. Nakhat was a partner at famous gems and Jewelry group Labhchand Motichand. Nakhat family built a temple in Faizabad and a Dharamshala in Kolkata at Kalakar street. Vijaymati, youngest daughter of Kamalapat Kothari was married in Jagat Seth family (Seth Sobhag Chand) of Mahimapur.

Samarendrapat Kothari, eldest son of Chandra Pat Kothari was married to daughter of Mohanlal Mahamwal, famous jeweler in Kolkata and Dhirendrapat Kothari, youngest son was married to the daughter of Fateh Singh Mookim of renowned Rai Badridas Bahadur family who built world famous Parasnath temple and garden.

It is strange coincidence that at least one person from every generation has marital relation with a family who built a Jain temple and instrumental in saving or managing pilgrimage center Sammet Shikhar.

I, Jyoti Kothari am proud to belong to this family and I am also married to a family who built a temple in Ashta, MP. And all of you know that presently I am secretary Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur and getting an opportunity to manage eleven temples and five Dadabadis including Malpura.

Famous people from Murshidabad Shaharwali society

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
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Monday, May 20, 2013

मुर्शिदाबाद शहरवाली समाज की ऐतिहासिक सामग्री

मुर्शिदाबाद का शहरवाली समाज एक प्रख्यात समाज है. इस समाज के सम्वन्ध में अनेक ऐतिहासिक विवरण उपलब्ध है. इस समय मैं इन सामग्रियों का संकलन कर रहा हु।

जैसा की आप सब को विदित है की विगत अनेक वर्षों से मैं इस ब्लॉग के माध्यम से शहरवाली समाज के विभिन्न पहलुओं जैसे समाज, संस्कृति, धर्म, कला, इतिहास, रीती रिवाज़ आदि पर लिखता आया हु। अब इन विषयों का संकलन कर उसे एक पुस्तक का रूप देने की इच्छा है. अजीमगंज के सूरज नोलखा ने इस पुस्तक को प्रकाशित करवाने की भावना व्यक्त की है.

श्री जैन श्वेताम्बर खरतर गच्छ संघ, जयपुर  द्वारा संचालित जैन शोध एवं अध्ययन संस्थान के जैन इतिहास विशेषज्ञ डा शिवप्रसाद इस कार्य में पूरी सहायता कर रहे है। डा शिवप्रसाद के प्रयासों से अनेक ऐतिहासिक दस्तावेज़ एवं पुस्तकें इस सम्वन्ध में संकलित हुई है. इस कार्य के लिए मैं उनका आभारी हूँ।

प्राप्त ऐतिहासिक सन्दर्भ ग्रन्थ: 

१. हिंदी विश्व कोष, संपादक नागेन्द्र नाथ वसु, कोलकाता
२. जगत सेठ, पारसनाथ सिंह, इलाहाबाद,
३. भारतीय इतिहास कोष, डा सच्चिदानंद भट्टाचार्य, लखनऊ
४. बंगाल में जैन धर्म, गणेश लालवानी, जयपुर
५. नगर वर्णनात्मक प्राचीन पद्य संग्रह, मुनि कान्तिसागर, सूरत
६.श्रमण भगवन महावीर,  मुनि कल्याण विजय गणी, जालोर
७. जैन तीर्थ सर्व संग्रह भाग २,  अम्बालाल पी शाह, अहमदाबाद
८. सार्ध शताव्दी स्मृति ग्रन्थ, भंवर लाल नाहटा, कोलकाता
९ जैन लेख संग्रह भाग १, पूरण चंद नाहर, कोल्कता

आप सभी से भी निवेदन है की शहरवाली समाज एवं संस्कृति के सम्वन्ध में जो भी ऐतिहासिक विवरण एवं दस्तावेज हों तो उसकी डिजिटल या फोटो कॉपी उपलब्ध करवाने की कृपा करें।

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
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Monday, May 13, 2013

Management Guru N Raghuraman admired Shaharwali boy

Darshan in Management Funda Dainik Bhaskar

Management Guru N Raghuraman admired Shaharwali boy Darshan Kothari in his column "Management Funda". He wrote a detailed story about him and his company Vardhaman Infotech. N Raghuraman is a famous management guru and columnist who writes for various newspapers including New York Times. In India, he writes for Dainik Bhaskar, largest Hindi daily. This column is published in all editions of Dainik Bhaskar in India today May 13, 2013. It is worth noted that Darshan, a Shaharwali boy and his team in Vardhaman Infotech, Jaipur have developed world's first KALQ keyboard app for Android phones. 

St Andrews University conducted a research on thumb based keyboards and published a research paper. Darshan moved quickly to the news and developed an Android app based on the research paper. He developed the app in just five days and upload it in Google Play store for free download. There are more than five thousands downloads of this KALQ keyboard app so far.

The KALQ keyboard is much faster and smarter keyboard for smart phones than its older version QWERTY keyboards. This application got worldwide recognition and renowned web name CNET have provided a link to download the same in their website. Several European newspapers also published this.

At last I am a proud Shaharwali and proud father.

Download KALQ keyboard app

News paper links

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
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Monday, May 6, 2013

KALQ keyboard app by a Shaharwali is spreading globally

I wrote in the previous post that a Shaharwali youth Darshan Kothari launched world's first KALQ keyboard in Google play store. He has came with new versions one after another in just 5 days. Now it can be downloaded in most of the Android phones. You can load the application even in older Android phones. It is now added with Re sign, again first time in the world!!

Most of the keyboards have $ sign but none have one for rupee. Indian rupee is one of the most used currency in the world nowadays and this app will help you typing this sign through your android phones. More than 1000 people have so far downloaded the app worldwide, mostly from European Union and the USA. Now the word is spreading.

Update on May 22, 2013
Approximately 10,000 (ten thousands) people downloaded this KALQ keyboard app from Google play store.

Cnet, the most renowned website has also provided a link to download the Android app.
Cnet Link : This is the most reliable site.

Some other websites also recommended the download such as  Zdnet , apkbrain, appszoom, appbrain, androidpit  Droidmill, filedir etc. 

However, you can directly download it here.
Download KALQ keyboard

Read other blog posts

 World’s first KALQ Keyboard Launched by Vardhaman Infotech

KALQ: Smarter keyboard for Android phones

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
Please follow us on facebook for latest updates.


Thursday, May 2, 2013

World's first KALQ keyboard app launched by a Shaharwali

 Darshan Kothari, a Shaharwali youth has launched World's first KALQ keyboard app for smart phones.  


Shaharwali community is known worldwide for their smartness and innovations. This is a small addition to this list.

This is a new typing keyboard. All of us are using QWERTY keyboards since many years for typing anything in English. We are using this since many decades. However, modern research shows that this is not a smart keyboard especially for tablets and smart phones. New research shows that KALQ keyboard is much faster and smarter.

Darshan Kothari, Vardhaman Infotech has devoloped a new typing keyboard for all Android phones and launched it on April 30, 2013 at Google play store for free download.

This is a new development that requires much modifications and changes. Vardhaman Infotech team re dedicatedly working for better versions. They are also working for developing it for iPhones.

Download  new KALQ keyboard for typing in Android phones.

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
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