Tuesday, December 28, 2010

मुर्शिदाबाद में आम की किस्में

मुर्शिदाबाद में आम की अनेक किस्में पाई जाती है. आम की इतनी किस्में और कहीं भी नहीं मिलती. बहुत से आम तो ऐसे हैं जो की और कहीं भी नहीं पाई जाती है. कहा जाता है की यहाँ आम की पांच सौ से ज्यादा किस्मे होती थी. सौ डेढ़ सौ किस्में तो मैंने भी देखी  है.

यहाँ के आमों में "कोहीतुर" सबसे महंगा और शानदार होता है. इसे रूई में रख कर पकाया जाता था. कोहीतुर के अलावा विमली, सारंगा, चंपा, जूही चंपा, गुलाब ख़ास, सुंदरी,  सादोल्ला (हिमसागर), काला पहाड़, मुलायम जाम, अनारस, भवानी, रानी, बीड़ा, पांजा आदि आम भी प्रसिद्ध है. यहाँ के आम अलग अलग फलों के स्वाद एवं अलग अलग फूलों के सुगंध लिए हुए होते हैं. फाजली आम बहुत ही बड़ा होता है तो अनारस बहुत छोटा. सारंगा आम बहुत मीठा होता है लेकिन अनारस खट्टा मीठा. चंपा आम चंपा फूल की खुसबू समाये रखता है और मुलायम जाम में जामुन का स्वाद पाया जाता है.

इसके अलावा यहाँ का कचमिट्ठी  आम भी प्रसिद्ध है. यहं आम कच्चे में भी मीठा होता है. इसे भी शहरवाली लोग बहुत शौक से खाते हैं.

आप को अगर आम की अन्य किस्मों के बारे में जानकारी हो तो कृपया मुझे सूचित करें या कमेंट्स बॉक्स में लिखने की कृपा करें.

New Jain website

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
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शहरवाली समाज में आम खाने की कला

मुर्शिदाबाद आमों के लिए प्रसिद्ध है. यहाँ जितने प्रकार के आम मिलते हैं उतने और कहीं नहीं. यहाँ के नवाबों व रईसों ने आम की अनेक स्वादिष्ट एवं सुगन्धित किस्में विकसित करवाई. यहाँ के आम बड़े नाजुक किस्म के होते हैं. शहरवाली  समाज आमों का बड़ा शौकीन था व आज भी है. यहाँ आम खाना एक कला के रूप में विकसित हो गया था. सिर्फ आम खाना ही नहीं परन्तु आम को तैयार करना भी एक कला था.

आम को पेड़ों से यूँ ही नहीं तोडा जाता था. आम तोड़ने में भी नजाकत थी. इसके लिए एक लम्बे बांस एवं हंसिया ( धारदार ) .का  उपयोग  किया  जाता  था. हंसिये के ठीक नीचे बांस में एक छिका बंधा होता था. पेड़ से टूटने पर आम उस छिके में आ जाता था. छिके का प्रयोग आम को जमीं पर गिरने से बचाने के लिए होता था. आम को पेड़ से कच्चा ही तोडा जाता था. उन आमों को फिर एक टोकरी में सजाया जाता था व बीच बेच में आम के पत्ते डाल दिए जाते  थे जिससे एक आम को दुसरे आम से रगड़ न लगे. रगड़ लगने से आम दागी हो जाता था.

टोकरी में रख कर आमों को घर लाया जाता था और उसे बड़ी हिफाज़त से पकाया जाता था. सामान्यतः आमों को लकड़ी के पाटे पर पत्तों के ऊपर एक एक कर बिछा देते थे एवं उसके ऊपर फिर से पत्ते ढक देते थे. समय समय पर उन आमों को ऊपर नीचे पलता जाता था जिससे वो आम चरों तरफ से बराबर व सही तरीके से पक सके. पके हुए आमों को कई घंटों तक पानी में भिगो कर रखते थे जिससे उसके अन्दर की गर्मी निकल जाये. इस क्रिया से आम स्वास्थ्य वर्धक व स्वादिस्ट एवं शीतल हो जाता था.

शहरवालिओं को आम छिलने में महारत हासिल थी. आम को पहले एक तरफ से छिला जाता था. छिलने के बाद आम के गुदे के ऊपर चक्कू से निशान बनाया जाता था व उसके बाद उसे बनाया जाता था. एक तरफ से आम के फांक निकल लेने के बाद ही उसे दूसरी तरफ से छिला जाता था. इस से आम काला नहीं पड़ता था व उसकी सुन्दरता बनी रहती थी.

परंपरागत रूप से घर के बड़े व मर्दों को गुठली नहीं दी जाती थी. प्रायः कर के घर के बच्छे गुठली चुसना पसंद करते थे या फिर उसका अमरस बनाने में उपयोग कर लिया जाता था.

आम के मौसम में नाते रिश्तेदारों के यहाँ आम भेजने की भी प्रथा थी. इस प्रकार एक दुसरे के यहाँ आमों का आदान प्रदान भी होता था. अपनी अपनी हैसियत के अनुसार कम या ज्यादा आम भेजे जाते थे.

With regards,
Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)

 Vardhaman Infotech
A leading IT company in Jaipur
Rajasthan, India
E-mail: info@vardhamaninfotech.com


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Kodamdesar temple: Kuldevta of Kothari family

 Kothari family
Kuldevta Temple, outside view

 Kodamdesar Bhairav Ji
Kuldevta of Kothari family

Panachand Nanakchand Kothari  family is one of the most renowned families in Azimganj. Kodamdesar Bhairav Ji is the Kuldevta of this family. There was a small temple of the Kuldevta till recent past. Idea of reconstructing the temple in a great way came to the mind of few members in Kothari family. Every body in Kothari family joined hands to build a beautiful temple of their Kuldevta, Kodamdesar Bhairav ji.

The work has been accomplished in a short period. The Gumbaz of the temple will be decorated with gemstones. Moon stones will be studded with in few months. It is planned that a "Dhwajdand" will be placed on the top of the "Shikhar" of the temple. A flag will be remained hoisted over the "Dhwajdand" after the ceremony.

The temple is situated near hanuman Than in Azimganj.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
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Friday, December 3, 2010

Mahavir Mandal in Azimganj and Jiaganj

Mahavir Mandal was the endeavor of  few children in Azimganj in 1977. There was a Chaturmas of Sri Pujya sri Jin Chandra Suri in Azimganj in he year 1977. Few of the children decided to present him a gift.They gathered and start thinking of a gift. Sri Pujya ji was learning Bengali language at that point of time. Late Kali Prasad Bhattacharya, Asst. Head Master of RBSB High school was teaching him the said language. The boys and girls together decided to gift him a Bengali- English dictionary that cost them Rs. 18/ only. It looks little amount but it was a big amount for those children. However, they could collect some Rs. 15-16. Srimati Bhanumati Bachchhawat encouraged the children and paid the rest of the amount. The children gathered to gift the dictionary founded an organization called Mahavir Bal Mandal. Later on the word "Bal" was removed and the name of the organization became "Mahavir Mandal".

I feel proud of myself, even today, as I. Jyoti Kothari was the founder secretary of Mahavir Mandal. Dilip Chhajed was the first President of the same. I was 14 at that time and Dilip was 16. We were the eldest male members. My sister Sujata Kothari and Anita Bachchhawat, daughter of Smt. Bhanumati were among elder female members. None of the members were adult at that time.

Smt. Bhanumati Bachchhawat encouraged them by providing a room in her residence that was used as office of the said org. Later on, Mahavir Mandal was provided with a room in "Bada Upasra" at Sri Neminath temple.
Mahavir Mandal worked very well. We arranged for games and sports, Physical raining, daily coaching of the younger students and organized musical nights (Bhajan sandhya). Mahavir Mandal had started and run music school and sewing schools. It had organized several exhibitions and multifarious functions. The organization had helped the tourists (Yatri) coming for the purpose of pilgrimage. They also organize "Puja" and cleaning in the temples. A "Book Bank" and a library was also established in the office premises. Mahavir Mandal have  provided a "Tube well" in Rambagh Dadabadi which is still working there.

Sunil Churoria and Bikas Chhajed also adorn the chair as secretary of Mahavir Mandal. Surprisingly, we three, me, Jyoti Kothari is now working as secretary, Jaipur Khartar Gachchh Sangh; Sunil as secretary Azimganj Sri Sangh and Bikas as secretary, Murshidabad Sangh, Kolkata.

Later on, probably in 1980, Mahavir Mandal was expanded and a new branch was opened in Jiaganj.

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

मुर्शिदाबाद की विरासत बचाने का प्रयास: मुर्शिदाबाद हेरिटेज डेवलपमेंट सोसायटी

 मुर्शिदाबाद हेरिटेज डेवलपमेंट सोसायटी की स्थापना मुर्शिदाबाद की विरासत बचाने  का एक प्रयास है. प्राचीन काल में मुर्शिदाबाद का क्षेत्र गौड़ के नाम से जाना जाता था. औरंगजेब के सिपहसालार मुर्शीदकुली खान ने इसे बसाया एवं ढाका के स्थान पर सन १७०४ में इसे बंगाल, बिहार, एवं उडिस्सा की राजधानी बनाया. जब मुर्शीद कुली खान यहं आये तो उनके साथ उनके परम मित्र जगत सेठ मानकचंद गेलडा को भी साथ लाये. जैनों के उत्कर्ष का काल यहाँ पर तभी से शुरू हुआ.
यह नवाबों के शहर के नाम से भी जाना जाता रहा.

मुर्शीदकुली खान के बाद नवाब  अलीवर्दी खान, नवाब सुजाउद्दीन आदि ने नवाब की गद्दी संभाली. सिराज़ुद्दौला मुर्शिदाबाद के अंतिम स्वतंत्र नवाब हुए. मुर्शिदाबाद मुग़ल एवं ब्रिटिश शक्तियों के वीच युद्ध स्थल बना. पलाशी के युद्ध में सिराज़ुद्दौला के सेनापति मीर जाफर की गद्दारी के कारन उन्हें ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी के क्लाइव लोयेड के हाथों पराजित होना पड़ायहीं से भारत में ब्रिटिश शासन की नींव पड़ी.      

 अंग्रेजों ने अपनी राजधानी मुर्शिदाबाद से बदल कर कलकत्ते को बना लिया लेकिन मुर्शिदाबाद की गरिमा फिर भी बनी रही. मुर्शिदाबाद अपनी कलाप्रियता के लिए जाना जाता रहा.

मुर्शिदाबाद के अजीमगंज एवं जिआगंज में रहने वाले जैन धर्मावालम्वी ओसवालों ने यहाँ की संस्कृति में रंग भरने में अपना विशिष्ट योगदान दिया. यहाँ के जैन धर्मावलाम्वी शहरवाली के नाम से प्रसिद्द हुए.यहाँ की कला, संस्कृति, स्थापत्य आदि की उन्नति में शहरवाली समाज का योगदान कल्पनातीत है.

शहरवाली समाज के लोग उच्च शिक्षित, राईसधनवान होने के साथ ही धर्मात्मा भी थे. अनेकों जिन मंदिर एवं दादाबाड़ी उनकी धर्मं परायणता का उदहारण है. शहरवाली समाज द्वारा स्थापित अनेक विद्यालय, महाविद्यालय जहाँ उनकी शिक्षा एवं ज्ञान के प्रति रूचि दर्शाती है वहीँ उन लोगों के द्वारा स्थापित चिकित्सालय उनकी परोपकारिता को.

यहाँ के जैन मंदिर एवं कोठियां शहरवाली समाज के अतीत गौरव की याद दिलाती है. यह एक धर्मं प्राण समाज है एवं अनेक दीक्षाएं इस बात कीगवाह है. अजीमगंज व जियागंज से अनेक साधू - साध्वियां भी हुई हैं.
शहरवाली पोषाक  की अपनी अलग विशेषता है.  अजीमगंज शहरवाली साथ का खानाभी अपनी विशिष्टताओं से भरपूर है. इनकी विविधता भी निराली है. शहरवाली समाज के रीती रिवाजों में भी यहं की माती की सुगंध है.
 अजीमगंज श्री नेमी नाथ स्वामी स्तवन

Launching Murshidabad Heritage Development Society

Images Murshidabad Heritage Development Society

With regards,
Jyoti Kothari
(N.B. Jyoti Kothari is proprietor of Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur, representing Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry. He is a Non-resident Azimganjite.)
 Vardhaman Infotech
A leading IT company in Jaipur
Rajasthan, India
E-mail: info@vardhamaninfotech.com


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Images Murshidabad Heritage Development Society

 I am adding here two images of Murshidabad Heritage Development Society.

New Jain website

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
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Friday, October 29, 2010

Launching Murshidabad Heritage Development Society

PP Rashtra Sant Acharya Padamsagar Suri Ji Maharaj will formally launch Murshidabad Heritage Development Society at 02:30 PM on 31/10/10 at Jain Dadabari, 29 Badridas Temple Street and PP Sadhvi Shri Shashi Prabha Shree  Ji will bestow her blessings.

People of Murshidabad believe that this will be proved as a big step towards development of Azimganj, Jiaganj and Murshidabad. Both West Bengal state and the Central Government of India will be involved in this projest.

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
Please follow us on facebook for latest updates.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Navpad Mandal Pujan in Azimganj tomorrow on the eve of Navpad Oli

 Navpad Mandal Pujan will be organized at Sri Neminath Swami temple tomorrow. Navpad Mandal Pujan is organized every year on the last day of Navpad Oli in Azimganj since many many years.

This is a gorgeous program organized with full enthusiasm. Shaharwali people of Azimganj worship Navpad conducting Navpad Oli with full devotion and enthusiasm since centuries. Navpad Mandal Pujan is so famous in Azimganj that people living outside Azimganj also come and join this puja. 

Sri Sangh of Azimganj will organize this Puja tomorrow, October 22, 2010.

Sri Pradyot Sethia, a Shaharwali living in Jaipur reported this telephonically. He is now at Azimganj and worshiping Navpad Oli along with some others from Azimganj.

Meanwhile, Sri and Srimati  Ratichand Bothra of Azimganj are worshiping Navpad Oli in Malpura Dadabadi. He sponsored Navpad Puja here today.

Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship Arihant on the first day

Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship Siddha Pad on the second day

Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship "Acharya" on the third day

Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship "Upadhyaya" Pad on the fourth day

Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship "Sadhu" Pad on fifth day

Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship "Samyag Darshan" Pad on sixth day

Navpad Oli (Ayambil Oli): Jain community worship "Samyag Gyan" Pad on seventh day

Navpad Oli (Aymbil Oli): Eighth day is to worship Samyag Charitra Pad

Navpad Oli (Aymbil Oli): Ninth day is to worship Samyag Tap Pad

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
Please follow us on facebook for latest updates.


Monday, October 4, 2010

Jyoti Kothari is elected Secretary Jaipur Khartargachchh Sangh

 I, Jyoti Kothari, have been elected as Secretary, Sri Jain Shwetambar Khartar Gachchh Sangh, Jaipur. Several Jain Temples, Dadabadi (Including Malpura), student's hostel and Dharmshala are managed by the Jaipur Sangh.

Election of Jaipur Sangh was held on July 4. 2010 and I have been elected as a member of executive committee. The said executive committee has elected me as Secretary of the Sangh.

Azimganj and Jiaganj are recognized as prominent places of Jain community as well as Khartar Gachchh. Jaipur also holds up in the map of Khartar Gachchh Sangh.

I have born and brought up as Shaharwali and now acting as secretary of Jaipur Khartar Gachchh Sangh. I believe that this combination will help both the Sangh.

कार्यकारिणी समिति: श्री जैन श्वेताम्बर खरतरगच्छ संघ, जयपुर

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
Please follow us on facebook for latest updates.


Friday, October 1, 2010

What is happening in Azimganj and Jiaganj?

I am not getting any news from Azimganj and Jiaganj. What is going on there?

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Famous Shaharwali people and family: Puranchand Shamsukha

 Shamsukha family is one of the most famous Shaharwali family from Azimganj. They were migrated from Bikaner, Rajasthan to Azimganj. Puranchand  Shamsukha (1882-1967), S/O Mehtabchand and grand son of Sangram Singh was  a renowned scholar of Jainism. He had been in service to Maharaj Bahadur Singh Dugar at his early age and later on he served Nahata family of Jiaganj.

Renowned Bengali story writer Dakshinaranjan Mitra Mazumdar (Thakurmar Jhuli fame) was his close friend. Puran Chand Shamsukha wrote several books on Jainism in Bengali language such as "Jaino Dharmer Parichay", "Jain Tirthankar Mahavira", "Jaino Darshaner Ruprekha" etc. He also translated Jain Agam "Uttaradhyana Sutra" which was published by Calcutta University.

Some of his articles were published in 'Asia' magazine, Bangkok.

Renowned linguist and Vice Chancelor of Calcutta university, Dr. Suniti Chatterjee, Dr. Kalidas Nag and Bijoy Singh Nahar were among the editors of "Puranchand Shamsukha abinandan Grantha".

Rishabhchand Shamsukha (1900-1970), his eldest son was also a scholar and meditator. He established "Indian silk house" a famous Saree shop at college street in 1924 for livelihood of his family and left for "Sri Aurobindo ashram", Pondichery at the age of only 31. He lived their rest of his life.

He has written few books about Rishi Aurobindo and his doctrine.

1. Integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo
2. In the light of the Mother
3. Sri Aurobindo: His life unique. 

The last one was written inspired by the Mother herself.

Parichand Kothari and Umirchand Kothari were his close friends who also followed path of Sri Aurobindo inspired by him.

Sumatichand Shamsukha, another son of Puranchand Shamsukha was a social server. He adorned the seat of secretary Murshidabad Sangh and Jain Bhawan, Kolkata.

Source: Dilipchand Samsukha, grandson, Puranchand Shamsukha

Famous Shaharwali people and family: Puranchand Shamsukha 

Padmabhushan Dr. Bimal Bachchhawat

Sadhu Sadhwi from Murshidabad 

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
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Sunday, April 11, 2010

New idol of Sri Seemandhar Swami at Azimganj

 There is Sri Seemandhar Swami temple at the first floor of Sri Neminath Ji Mandir at Azimganj, Murshidabad. The temple had a Choumukh (Four idols in four sides) of Seemandhar Swami idols. Unfortunately, one of the idols were broken (Khandit). It was broken long back.

However, it has not been reinstalled. Acharya Padmasagar Suri inspired Azimganj Sri Sangh to renovate Sri Neminath Swami temple during his Chaturmas at Azimganj and the Sangh renovated the temple as per his will. Even he has overlooked this issue despite complete renovation of the temple.

I have repeatedly  raised this issue of Khandit Pratima at several places and finally Sunil Choraria, secretary, Azimganj Sri Sangh, has agreed to reinstall the idol during my visit to Azimganj last Chaturmas. He ordered for an idol matching the rest of the three.

A beautiful statue of white marble is made under the supervision of Vidhikarak Yashwant Golechha according to the photograph and size sent to me by Sunil Choraria. The idol has been handed over to Sunil Choraria on April 8, 2010 during his visit to Jaipur along with Ajit Lodha, Suresh Jhabak and Baid.

Sunil Choraria has assured me that the idol will be installed at the place of broken one after Anjanshalaka.

Seemandhar Swami is a Viharman Tirthankar in Purva Mahavideha Kshetra. He is the most worshiped nowadays here among all twenty Viharman Tirthankar. Chaityavandana of Sri Seemandhar Swami is included in The Rai (Morning) Pratikramana. This shows his importance. He is alive and performing his Vihar in Mahavideha Kshetra and obliging people with his sermons in Samavsarana.

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Articles of Jyoti Kothari


(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Azimganj Jiaganj: The then no fishing zone

Azimganj and Jiaganj were main Jain districts during 19th century and first half of twentieth century. Jain community of Azimganj and Jiaganj (Baluchar) was not only powerful but also very religious minded. Large numbers of huge Jain temples speak the story itself.

It is not required to mention that this religious community was totally vegetarian while following Jainism. More over, fishing was banned in the River Bhagirathi (Ganga) in the area of Jain district.

There was a famous story about fishing in this zone. There was a non-Jain Rai Bahadur in Jiaganj. He took as a challenge to catch a fish in this zone. He arranged to catch fish and caught some. Maharaj Bahadur Singh Dugar took it seriously and lodged a case against him. He fought the case  in several courts and finally won. He obtained an order from Privy Council (London) against fishing in this zone. Privy council was the apex court in British India.

It is told that he spent Rs. 6.25 lakh to win this case! Just imagine the value of money at that time! He did not care for money and spent it for his non violent religion, Jainism and vegetarianism.

Vegetarianism: The healthy way of life

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Holi festival in Murshidabad

 Holi of Murshidabad Shaharwali society was an important and renowned event. Shaharwali society used to play Holi with great enthusiasm in both Azimganj and Jiaganj.

Holi, the festival of color had been enjoyed for a week in Murshidabad. It had been starting on the day of Falguna Shukla Ashtami (Eighth day of bright half in Indian lunar calendar) ending on Chaitra Krishna Pratipada (Ekam, first day of dark half in Indian lunar calendar).

Holi was a part of "Raisi" of Shaharwali society. They used Safron, rose water, Tesu (Herbal color) and other beautiful colors and Abir (Gulal) to play Holi. Pichkari (Piston like instrument to play Holi with liquid color). Pua and Pakodi were the special dishes along with Thandai (a soft drink). large number of people used to have some "Bhang" to enjoy.

"Holi ki sang" and "Holi ka Bhandu" were popular humor creating events of Murshidabad Shaharwali community. People had been enjoying "Holi ki barat" with humor and enjoyment. "Holi ki sail" or feast was also very popular those days.

Nirmal Kumar Singh Nowlakha, a famous Zemindar of Azimganj was very fond of Holi. many stories about him is famous about Holi.

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
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Friday, February 26, 2010

Pranab Mukherjee has given major benefits to Murshidabad in Indian budget 2010

 Pranab Mukherjee, Finance Minister of India has given two major projects to Murshidabad district in the Union budget 2010. 

One is flood control project for Bhagirathi Padma river which will significantly benefit Murshidabad district along with Nadia.

There is a proposed master plan for Kandi region of Murshidabadf district. Both this projects proposed in Central budget will positively affect economy of Murshidabad.

It is to be noted that Pranab Mukherjee, Finance Minister of India is MP from Jangipur, Murshidabad. Azimganj comes in Jangipur Parliamentary constituency.

Salient features of Indian Railway Budget 2010

Budget India 2010

Railway budget 2010 proposed

Major relief in individual Income tax in Indian budget 2010

Article on Budget India 2010 

(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

अजय बोथरा एवं रविन्द्र श्रीमाल तुलापट्टी, पंचायती मंदिर कोलकाता के लिए निर्वाचित

मुर्शिदाबाद शहरवाली समाज के श्री अजय बोथरा एवं श्री रविन्द्र श्रीमाल तुलापट्टी, पंचायती मंदिर, कोलकाता के लिए हुए चुनाव में निर्वाचित हुए हैं. ये दोनों ही अजीमगंज के हैं एवं वर्त्तमान में कोलकाता में रहते हैं. श्री अजय बोथरा श्रीचंद जी बोथरा के पौत्र एवं श्री रविन्द्र श्रीमाल श्री कांतिलाल जी श्रीमाल के पुत्र हैं. 
यह चुनाव १० जनवरी को जैन भवन में संपन्न हुआ. जैन समाज के लगभग ११०० लोगों से इस मतदान में भाग लिया.शहरवाली समाज के कुल चार लोगों ने इस निर्वाचन में भाग लिया था जिनमे से दो चुने गए.

श्री शांतिनाथ स्वामी पंचायती मंदिर, तुलापट्टी, कोलकाता में परंपरागत रूप से दो सदस्य शहरवाली समाज से, दो सदस्य जौहरी साथ से एवं तीन  सदस्य कोलकाता मारवाड़ी साथ से चुने जाते हैं. इस वार भी उसी के अनुरूप चुने गए हैं.

विमल महमवाल एवं राजकुमार बोथरा जौहरी साथ से निर्वाचित 
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(Vardhaman Gems, Jaipur represents Centuries Old Tradition of Excellence in Gems and Jewelry)
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